Thursday, April 21, 2011


I have not posted in forever, thus i feel inclined and forced to post something new.
April, has undoubtedly been one of if not the roughest months of the school year thus far. The numerous activities that all need my time and my assignments are not always physically managable, so i always seem to leave someone disappointed. It's not always impossible to get everything done, but this month i believe i've said "boy this week has suckked" three times already. yeah.
My brain never seems to rest because it's hopping from art history to company D to precalculus to chemistry and so on. I wouldn't say that's necessarily a bad thing, but when i need to tell a doctor or my parents "how i'm doing," half the time i really don't know. It simply doesn't fit in my thought process right now. I guess in a way that means i'm doing better because all of the thoughts that killed me before no longer have time to run through my head; but now i'm a juggling maniac.
Wow this post has been extremely pessimistic so far; sorry. On a happier note, i'm going to Washington DC over this Easter weekend with my boyfriend's family. I've never spent a holiday away from home so it'll definitely be a fun and new experience. I know how much it killed my parents to let me travel with my boyfriend so far away, but to know that they trust me and care about me so much puts a smile on my face.
=D  <---- smile.

I have finally downloaded that blogging app so i'll probs be bloggin it up over the weekend. Happy Easter!

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