Monday, March 14, 2011

Dear college emails and letters,

Please stop stuffing my inbox with your "find out which college is best for you" quizzes and telling me you've been noticing my academic achievements, because if that were true, you probably woudn't be emailing me.
Above all, you confuse me. For awhile i think i have somewhat of an idea what i want to do/ where i want to go and then you mess it all up. I end up drooling over your campus and yet again change my mind--only to find out that you are a second-tier ivy league college, tuition at 40,000 a year that full well knows that i probably wouldn't have a chance in hell, but you tricked me into loving your school. You're all meanies. Stop.
You scare me by telling me that there's only 5 months until i should fill out applications. I can no longer say, "oh i've got plenty of time," which is what everyone's been told since fifth grade when we still wanted to be rockstars and astronauts. I don't want to wait four months for you to decide my future based on wether or not i'm worthy of your school. I don't want to think about losing so many close people in my life and not having them around to share all the wonderful and stupidly hilarious times that we always do. I don't want to embrace the uncertainty of my own future yet; i prefer to currently live in my self-imposed ignorance to all that lies ahead; so please, let me have a little longer.
Part of me is still the fifth grade rockstar, and we're both scared.
so yea, basically, the emails are obnoxious.


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