Friday, March 25, 2011

National Honor Society

Early spring is always the most hectic time of year, for me at least. There are auditions for next year's choral groups, spring musical rehearsals, and teachers straining to shove more information down my throat whilst my mind is already on a sunny beach in Florida....hence, why not throw in an application for National Honors Society?
I'm sure the perfect timing of this application process weeds out a lot of eligible applicants, but for those of us who really want this honor, it swallows up time that we don't already have, and in turn, our applications can't be the best they could have been.
The application really was  a bitch to fill out, honestly. Filling out pages upon pages of all the service and leadership you've done throughout your highschool career with detailed explanations, signatures and total hours contributed to each individual activity is, to say the least, frustrating. Then you ask yourself...what exactly is service? Well, according to Westlake High School, if you play on a club volleyball team, that's somehow service; and that volleyball team is weighted the same as weekly hours at a local soup kitchen? really?
What is and what isn't considered service is not the real issue. It's more of people exaggerating to come across more deserving than others. Understandable i guess, who doesnt' want to have a b.a. application? But then there's the whole, "how far is too far?" borderline. The whole thing is completely confusing and seemingly filled with loopholes, but isn't this a society for the honorable? hmmm.
With my annonymous application officially out of my hands and into the also annonymous selection panel, all us nervous applicants can do is wait and see if all of our hours with calculators multiplying leadership hours and running around cities for adult verification signatures was even worth it.

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