Saturday, April 2, 2011


BEDA, an acronym for "blog every day in april" started yesterday. fail.
I could use the excuse of "i got home at midnight last night from my vacation so it was already too late" but i'm not going to. I'm just going to start a day late...sorry BEDA.
I guess the whole idea of blogging every day is a good one. It'll pressure me too write something no matter if i'm suffering from a brutal case of writer's block.
My friend Har Har peer pressured me and another friend to embark on this blogging adventure with her so i guess we'll have to keep pressuring eachother to sticking with it all month. It's similair to the "write a novel in november" or whatever that thing is, except i most likely will not turn out over 50,000 words total like all of those crazily devoted people. Write a novel in a month? No thank you.
So i'm going to be that guy that uses a "i'm going to participate in BEDA" posts as one of my daily posts. yes, i'm very lazy. As to my not blogging on the first day of BEDA, i'm going to call it an april fool's joke.

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