Thursday, April 21, 2011


I have not posted in forever, thus i feel inclined and forced to post something new.
April, has undoubtedly been one of if not the roughest months of the school year thus far. The numerous activities that all need my time and my assignments are not always physically managable, so i always seem to leave someone disappointed. It's not always impossible to get everything done, but this month i believe i've said "boy this week has suckked" three times already. yeah.
My brain never seems to rest because it's hopping from art history to company D to precalculus to chemistry and so on. I wouldn't say that's necessarily a bad thing, but when i need to tell a doctor or my parents "how i'm doing," half the time i really don't know. It simply doesn't fit in my thought process right now. I guess in a way that means i'm doing better because all of the thoughts that killed me before no longer have time to run through my head; but now i'm a juggling maniac.
Wow this post has been extremely pessimistic so far; sorry. On a happier note, i'm going to Washington DC over this Easter weekend with my boyfriend's family. I've never spent a holiday away from home so it'll definitely be a fun and new experience. I know how much it killed my parents to let me travel with my boyfriend so far away, but to know that they trust me and care about me so much puts a smile on my face.
=D  <---- smile.

I have finally downloaded that blogging app so i'll probs be bloggin it up over the weekend. Happy Easter!

Friday, April 15, 2011

nothing's quite the same as the pajama game

Ah, here we are; another opening of another show---yes that was an "Annie Get Your Gun" reference.
     Tonight is the opening of Westlake High School's musical, "The Pajama Game," and i'm proud to say, we've finally made it. I believe it'll be for sure one of the better shows since I've been at the high school, and although i didn't get the part i wanted, i had a great time with my amazing friends wether it was spent in a giant spooning line backstage, extremely creepy marriage proposals, or excessive conversations on maturbation.----yes ladies and gentlemen, i do have the best friends in the world...jealousy is common.
     "The Pajama Game" sounds like classic "cute" musical like "Grease" or "Honk" because of its fun title. I'm sorry to disappoint you----but it's not. It's about a union in a pajama factory which is much less exciting than Grease. Luckily enough, we have an extremely talented cast and i know that the "opening night" aura will boost the show's energy exponentially.
     On a side note, we had another blood drive at our school today. We have several a year and every time i try to donate...only to find out that yet again my hemoglobin (fancy word for iron) levels are too low. Magically one time, i just got the minimum required and was actually able to i at least give it a shot every time...and it gives me a chance to get out of a class. WHAT A DEAL!! But you know what American Red Cross, if you don't want my rare blood type, iz yo loss.
     I'll update you all tomorrow on how the show goes tonight. TGIF.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I'm already looking forward to the week-end, week-end

Well...... I GOT IT!!

Yes, i was accepted into Westlake's National Honors Society! I can't even explain how much of a relief it is to have the stress of waiting behind me. I was literally about to burst from all the i've said before, i care too much about this stuff.
The commitee selected thirty-one members this Spring, chosen from approx. 70 applicants. It's hard to keep your "celebritory attitude" to yourself when you receive news like that, but i know how much it stings to be on the other end, so i only told a few of my close senior friends and didn't mention it unless asked.

Just thought you'd like to know considering how crazy anxious my post was yesterday.

In other news, it's coming down the home-stretch of tech week for the musical, and honestly, it's killing my energy and grades. I've gone through  quite a few tech weeks from previous shows i've done, but when you add in a frustrating director, four hours worth of AP Art History, and a pre-calculus test, it can take a toll.
I don't want to sound whiny about it, i'm just ready for the performances to start.

Oh BEDA, you have caused my blog into a bunch of nonsense blabbering. I wish they had an anti-biotic for writers block.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

National Honors Society Part Dos patience is completely worn out.
For those of you who don't remember i wrote a blog about the stress and pressure of applying for Westlake's  National Honors Society. I had just turned my application in when i had written that post; and now i sit here in the library wondering if the letter has arrived at my home. The letter will be sent to every applicant, and said letter contains a list of all those accepted. I. AM. SO. DAMN. NERVOUS. This letter should be arriving today (puhleeeze!!!!!), or tomorrow. I want this sooo bad. I can apply again in the fall, but i want it now....(yes i just sounded like a greedy five year old.)
The whole, "sending the list of the accepted" bothers and scares me a lot. As my friend put it yesterday, "if you don't get in, you'll just read it over and over thinking you just missed your name the first five times....but you didn''s just not there."
My life won't be over if i don't get accepted. I won't lie, I probably would cry for a good ten minutes then try to distract myself. I put way too much heart into things like this so i basically set myself up for being crushed when things don't work out.
BUT, i've been sending good energy out to the universe for days on end and trying to become more confident in my chances. "As you think, so shall you be."
That aside, i reeeallllyyyy want that letter already.

Monday, April 11, 2011

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack

Wahh. I haven't posted in days because of my band trip to Atlanta. I was going to give a fair warning post about the fact that i would be going to Atlanta sans internet access and hence, wouldn't be blogging...but i didn't.
      But Abbey, don't you have a droid that has internet access that costs $30 a month?
      -Why yes, i do. But since that would be all too conveniant, the internent access for which i am paying is blocked since my parents blocked it two years ago, and have never unlocked it.
The band trip to Atlanta was quite enjoyable other than the 14 hour bus trip home during which i completed 10 hours worth of AP Art History. Other than that though, it was a wonderful vacation away from hectic Westlake, OH.
Little did i know that Westlake without my presence seemingly goes awry and into a state of utter chaos and hilarity.
     Ex: -Substitues becoming intoxicated and thereby arrested on campus.
           - Sophomores committing Grand Theft Auto in the school parking lot.
           - Whiny girls getting their asses handed to them in fights during class changes.
Westlake Ohio makes me lawl- a lot.
I got to spend my trip rooming with 3 of my close friends where we had many hilarious and extremely embarassing 'adventures' as we took over Atlanta. We visited the Coca-Cola museum, which was amazing. At the end they have huge soda machines, from all around the world so you can try coke products from India, Africa, Britain, Italy, etc. I'm a huge coke fan, but certain coke products from that exhibit should be deemed illegal, ie. "Beverly" from Italy. Other fun activities at the museum included photo ops with the scariest polar bear i've ever layed eyes on, a 4D movie, and looking at antique coke bottles/products, which by the way i found quite interesting.
I won't make you read a post all about my trip, i just thought the coke museum was a definite highlight.
I'm heading into tech week for the school musical, so finding time for my ever-growing pile of Art History, blogging, and rehearsing will be difficult. But if i can survive this week, the rest of the year should be a breeezee.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Why Drama is Shit Covered in Glitter (part 1)

I just realized i have yet to post today so whilst i'm taking a short homework break i decided i'll get 'er done.
This is obviously not going to be a topic i can cover in one 11:30 mid-homework post, so i'll just start it off.
Like anybody on the planet will tell you "I hate drama!" Well approx. 80% of those people are liars. People love it when they or someone else is involved in something everybody knows about, or is a "big deal." Half the time it's created from nothing. I can honestly say that i hate drama. I'm not saying that i've never had it, but if i do it is verrry rare and it kills me to no end, believe me.
Earlier this year a friend and i got in a huge fight over something so stupid. I had literally never had had a friend fight before and i literally cried myself to sleep at leat 10 times because of it. I didn't want to "get in on anything big" or anything like that. I hated those months without her in my life. So yes, i hate drama.
Recently there's been a drama (i don't know wether to call it a rumor or scandal?? oh well, insert noun here) in a choir i'm in. It is literally the stupidest thing i've ever heard. Nothing good has come of it, just a blown up message box on facebook and a lot of "he said/she said" i'm soooo glad i'm not part of this. Now a ton of girls are up in the drama because right now it's "shiny" and what's currently a "big deal."

They see a shiny ball of glitter that everyone else has so they take it only to realize, it's just a bunch of shit.

to be continued...