Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I'm already looking forward to the week-end, week-end

Well...... I GOT IT!!

Yes, i was accepted into Westlake's National Honors Society! I can't even explain how much of a relief it is to have the stress of waiting behind me. I was literally about to burst from all the i've said before, i care too much about this stuff.
The commitee selected thirty-one members this Spring, chosen from approx. 70 applicants. It's hard to keep your "celebritory attitude" to yourself when you receive news like that, but i know how much it stings to be on the other end, so i only told a few of my close senior friends and didn't mention it unless asked.

Just thought you'd like to know considering how crazy anxious my post was yesterday.

In other news, it's coming down the home-stretch of tech week for the musical, and honestly, it's killing my energy and grades. I've gone through  quite a few tech weeks from previous shows i've done, but when you add in a frustrating director, four hours worth of AP Art History, and a pre-calculus test, it can take a toll.
I don't want to sound whiny about it, i'm just ready for the performances to start.

Oh BEDA, you have caused my blog into a bunch of nonsense blabbering. I wish they had an anti-biotic for writers block.

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