Tuesday, April 12, 2011

National Honors Society Part Dos

Grrrrr.....my patience is completely worn out.
For those of you who don't remember i wrote a blog about the stress and pressure of applying for Westlake's  National Honors Society. I had just turned my application in when i had written that post; and now i sit here in the library wondering if the letter has arrived at my home. The letter will be sent to every applicant, and said letter contains a list of all those accepted. I. AM. SO. DAMN. NERVOUS. This letter should be arriving today (puhleeeze!!!!!), or tomorrow. I want this sooo bad. I can apply again in the fall, but i want it now....(yes i just sounded like a greedy five year old.)
The whole, "sending the list of the accepted" bothers and scares me a lot. As my friend put it yesterday, "if you don't get in, you'll just read it over and over thinking you just missed your name the first five times....but you didn't......it's just not there."
My life won't be over if i don't get accepted. I won't lie, I probably would cry for a good ten minutes then try to distract myself. I put way too much heart into things like this so i basically set myself up for being crushed when things don't work out.
BUT, i've been sending good energy out to the universe for days on end and trying to become more confident in my chances. "As you think, so shall you be."
That aside, i reeeallllyyyy want that letter already.

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