Sunday, April 3, 2011

me vs. my reflection

Like i've said before, spring is always a hectic time of year for me. My days are literally filled to the brim going from one thing to the next, as i'm sure many's lives are as well. I always seem to manage all of it in the end, but it's never pretty getting to that point.
I'm a horrible procrastinator, and i completely admit it. I put things off to the last minute simply because i've always found some miracle way of getting it all done. I promise myself after every "episode" that it won't happen again, i'll be on top of it, but i never am. In turn, i stay up til midnight finishing ap art history assignments, falling asleep in chem and/or having mental breakdowns (which believe me are not pretty).
I'm not sure if it's my iron defficiency or what, but for some reason i simply cannot function on less than 10 hours of sleep. I'm always tired. When i'm bored at home trying to avoid homework, i'll take a nap simply to pass time since i can literally fall asleep on command. So the whole "late night studies" don't exactly turn out to the standard i used to hold them to.
I guess the point of this whole post is that so many people see me as "abbey kane," who has it all together: good grades, involved with church, clubs etc., who can do it all, but i'm not. Half the time i'm some sort of maniac while the other half is me painting a facade of what i wish i could be. People like my reflection that i display, at least i assume. There's so much more to me that the world doesn't know about, but how can i destroy the perfect persona i've built up over the years? I don't know if i want to, or can.

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